Page last updated: 25 August 2021 11:50
Diablo 2 Items
Find the biggest Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Items database in the world. Browse through all the items in the game with tooltips and randomly generated items, just like in-game.
Item stats:
Real items:
Throwing Knife
Item stats:
Real items:
Battle Dart
Item stats:
Real items:
Flying Knife
Item stats:
Real items:
Balanced Knife
Item stats:
Real items:
War Dart
Item stats:
Real items:
Winged Knife
Item stats:
Real items:
Throwing Axe
Item stats:
Real items:
Item stats:
Real items:
Flying Axe
Item stats:
Real items:
Balanced Axe
Item stats:
Real items:
Item stats:
Real items:
Winged Axe
Some facts about throwing-weapons:
- The Barbarian can throw two weapons at once with his Double Throw skill. He can also use Throwing Mastery to increase the amount of damage and attack when throwing weapons.
- Durability on throwing weapons is only in the Expansion. Throwing weapons when used for melee combat lose durability, but at 1/3 the rate of normal weapons. It is also hidden from the tooltip in-game
- When the Quantity of a throwing weapon goes to 0 - it cannot be used anymore but the quantity can be replenished with Repair. For Ethereal items - the item is gone. Seek self-replenish items for Ethereal versions.
- Damage Bonus: This determines how you multiply the item damage by your stats to reach the actual damage. throwing-weapons in Diablo II are 100 Str, like most other melee weapons. Add 1% of the weapon damage to your total damage per point in Str. In the Expansion however they are all 50/50 Str/Dex, so add .5% weapon damage in bonus damage. This is useful since most throwing-weapons require much more Dex than Str to equip.
Quality Level (Qlvl) - Chests and monsters must be at least this level to drop the item. Qlvl is also used in gambling, sales and other calculations.
- Melee Range: From 1 (least) to 5 (most). For players, range = melee range + monster size. Monsters are either size 1, 2 or 3 (most are size 2 or 3).
- Dmg Bonus: This determines how you multiply the item damage by your stats to reach the actual damage. Each point in this statistic multiplies your damage by bonus/100 %. For example a damage bonus of 70 is 70/100 or and additional .7% weapon damage per point. Most weapons have 100 str, which gives 100/100 or an additional 1% weapon damage per point in str.
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