Page last updated: 25 August 2021 11:50

Diablo 2 Unique Items

In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. Almost every normal item in the game has a Unique version giving unique properties. The Unique items also follow the Normal/Exceptional/Elite version of the items, however not all item versions have a Unique version.

====> All Unique Items (sorts, filters) <=====
Armory Weaponary Jewelry Class-specifics
Helms Axes Two-handed Axes Rings Amazon
Armors Maces/Hammers Two-handed Maces Amulets Assassin
Shields Swords Two-handed Swords Charms Necromancer
Gloves Bows Crossbows Jewels Barbarian
Boots Javelins Staves Sorceress
Belts Polearms Spears Druid
Circlets Scepters Throwing Weapons Paladin
Wands Daggers

You are currently viewing the items with a character level 99. If you want to change the level, you can do it below.

You are currently viewing the items with a character class Barbarian. If you want to change it to another, you can do it below.

The Dragon ChangSpearThe Dragon ChangSpear
The Dragon Chang
Two-Hand Damage: 13 To 15 (14 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: 14 To 22 (18 Avg)
Durability: 30
Ethereal Durability: 16
Required Strength: None
Required Strength (Eth): None
Required Level: 8
Quality Level: 11
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 4
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+10 To Minimum Damage
+35 To Attack Rating
+100% Damage to Undead
Adds 3-6 Fire Damage
2 To Light Radius
(Patch 1.09 or later)


The ImpalerWar SpearThe ImpalerWar Spear
The Impaler
War Spear
Two-Hand Damage: (24-27) To (88-99) (56 - 63 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (36-40) To (133-149) (84.5 - 94.5 Avg)
Durability: 30
Ethereal Durability: 16
Required Dexterty: 25
Required Dexterty (Eth): 15
Required Strength: 25
Required Strength (Eth): 15
Required Level: 31
Quality Level: 39
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 4
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
20% Increased Attack Speed
+140-170% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignores Target's Defense
+150 To Attack Rating
+40% Chance of Open Wounds
+5 To Impale (Amazon Only)
+3 To Power Strike (Amazon Only)
Prevent Monster Heal
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Arioc's NeedleHyperion SpearArioc's NeedleHyperion Spear
Arioc's Needle
Hyperion Spear
Two-Hand Damage: (98-115) To (333-392) (215.5 - 253.5 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (147-173) To (499-589) (323 - 381 Avg)
Durability: 30
Ethereal Durability: 16
Required Dexterty: 120
Required Dexterty (Eth): 110
Required Strength: 155
Required Strength (Eth): 145
Required Level: 81
Quality Level: 85
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 4
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+2-4 To All Skill Levels (varies)
30% Increased Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignores Target's Defense
+394 Poison Damage Over 10 Seconds
+50% Deadly Strike
(Patch 1.10 or later)


Two-Hand Damage: (11-13) To (19-22) (15 - 17.5 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (17-20) To (29-33) (23 - 26.5 Avg)
Durability: 35
Ethereal Durability: 19
Required Dexterty: 24
Required Dexterty (Eth): 14
Required Strength: 38
Required Strength (Eth): 28
Required Level: 12
Quality Level: 16
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 4
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
30% Increased Attack Speed
+30-50% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-50% Target Defense
Slows Target by 25%
+15 To Strength
+8 To Dexterity
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Kelpie SnareFuscinaKelpie SnareFuscina
Kelpie Snare
Two-Hand Damage: (75-83) To (138-153) (106.5 - 118 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (98-109) To (183-205) (140.5 - 157 Avg)
Durability: 35
Ethereal Durability: 19
Required Dexterty: 25
Required Dexterty (Eth): 15
Required Strength: 77
Required Strength (Eth): 67
Required Level: 33
Quality Level: 41
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 4
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+140-180% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 30-50 Damage
Slows Target by 75%
+10 To Strength
+123 To Life (Based On Character Level)
Fire Resist +50%
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Stygian Pike
Stygian Pike
There is no unique version of this item
Two-Hand Damage: (10-11) To (25-28) (17.5 - 19.5 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (15-17) To (38-43) (26.5 - 30 Avg)
Durability: 28
Ethereal Durability: 15
Required Dexterty: 24
Required Dexterty (Eth): 14
Required Strength: 38
Required Strength (Eth): 28
Required Level: 17
Quality Level: 23
Weapon Speed: [-20]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+50-70% Enhanced Damage (varies)
8-12% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
+35% Chance of Open Wounds
+10 To Strength
+26 To Life
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Soulfeast TineWar ForkSoulfeast TineWar Fork
Soulfeast Tine
War Fork
Two-Hand Damage: (40-46) To (100-116) (70 - 81 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (60-69) To (150-174) (105 - 121.5 Avg)
Durability: 43
Ethereal Durability: 23
Required Dexterty: 64
Required Dexterty (Eth): 54
Required Strength: 64
Required Strength (Eth): 54
Required Level: 35
Quality Level: 43
Weapon Speed: [-20]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+150-190% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+150-250 To Attack Rating (varies)
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Slower Stamina Drain
Requirements -20%
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Two-Hand Damage: (121-142) To (266-312) (193.5 - 227 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (182-214) To (400-469) (291 - 341.5 Avg)
Durability: 28
Ethereal Durability: 15
Required Dexterty: 134
Required Dexterty (Eth): 124
Required Strength: 132
Required Strength (Eth): 122
Required Level: 71
Quality Level: 79
Weapon Speed: [-20]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
15% Chance To Cast Level 9 Poison Explosion On Striking
50% Increased Attack Speed
+190-240% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+200-250 To Attack Rating (varies)
+325 Poison Damage Over 10 Seconds
Poison Resist +30-50% (varies)
(Patch 1.10 or later)


Lance of YaggaiSpetumLance of YaggaiSpetum
Lance of Yaggai
Two-Hand-Damage: 15 To 23 (19 avg)
Eth Two-Hand Damage: 22 To 34 (28 avg)
Durability: 28
Ethereal Durability: 15
Required Dexterty: 35
Required Dexterty (Eth): 25
Required Strength: 54
Required Strength (Eth): 44
Required Level: 22
Quality Level: 30
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
40% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 1-60 Lightning Damage
All Resistances +15
Attacker Takes Damage of 8
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Hone SundanYariHone SundanYari
Hone Sundan
Two-Hand Damage: (95-107) To (193-217) (144 - 162 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (133-150) To (270-305) (201.5 - 227.5 Avg)
Durability: 28
Ethereal Durability: 15
Required Strength: 101
Required Strength (Eth): 91
Required Level: 37
Quality Level: 45
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+160-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 20-40 Damage
+45% Chance of Crushing Blow
Repairs 1 Durability in 10 Seconds
Socketed (3)
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Ghost Spear
Ghost Spear
There is no unique version of this item
The Tannr GorerodPikeThe Tannr GorerodPike
The Tannr Gorerod
Two-Hand Damage: (25-28) To (113-126) (69 - 77 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (37-42) To (170-189) (103.5 - 115.5 Avg)
Durability: 25
Ethereal Durability: 14
Required Dexterty: 45
Required Dexterty (Eth): 35
Required Strength: 60
Required Strength (Eth): 50
Required Level: 27
Quality Level: 26
Weapon Speed: [20]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+80-100% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+60 To Attack Rating
Adds 23-54 Fire Damage
+30 To Life
+15% To Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +15%
3 To Light Radius
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Spire of HonorLanceSpire of HonorLance
Spire of Honor
Two-Hand Damage: (87-101) To (325-382) (206 - 241.5 Avg)
Two-Hand-Damage Eth: (121-141) To (467-553) (294 - 347 Avg)
Durability: 25
Ethereal Durability: 14
Required Dexterty: 88
Required Dexterty (Eth): 78
Required Strength: 110
Required Strength (Eth): 100
Required Level: 37
Quality Level: 45
Weapon Speed: [20]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+3 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+150-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 20-40 Damage
25% Bonus to Attack Rating
+148% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
+25% Enhanced Defense
Replenish Life +20
3 To Light Radius
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Steel PillarWar Pike
Steel Pillar
War Pike
One-Hand Damage: (102-118) To (551-640) (326.5 - 379 Avg)
Durability: Indestructible
Required Dexterty: 106
Required Strength: 165
Required Level: 69
Quality Level: 77
Weapon Speed: [20]
Melee range: 5
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
25% Increased Attack Speed
+210-260% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-25% Target Defense
+25% Chance of Crushing Blow
+50-80% Enhanced Defense (varies)
(Patch 1.10 or later)


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