Page last updated: 25 August 2021 11:50

Diablo 2 Unique Items

In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. Almost every normal item in the game has a Unique version giving unique properties. The Unique items also follow the Normal/Exceptional/Elite version of the items, however not all item versions have a Unique version.

====> All Unique Items (sorts, filters) <=====
Armory Weaponary Jewelry Class-specifics
Helms Axes Two-handed Axes Rings Amazon
Armors Maces/Hammers Two-handed Maces Amulets Assassin
Shields Swords Two-handed Swords Charms Necromancer
Gloves Bows Crossbows Jewels Barbarian
Boots Javelins Staves Sorceress
Belts Polearms Spears Druid
Circlets Scepters Throwing Weapons Paladin
Wands Daggers

You are currently viewing the items with a character level 99. If you want to change the level, you can do it below.

You are currently viewing the items with a character class Barbarian. If you want to change it to another, you can do it below.

One-Hand Damage: 1 To 10 (5.5 - 5.5 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: 2 To (15-16) (8.5 - 9 Avg)
Durability: 24
Ethereal Durability: 13
Required Strength: None
Required Strength (Eth): None
Required Level: 3
Quality Level: 4
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+70-80% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 6-8 Fire Damage
Lightning Resist +60%
Fire Resist +20%
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.10 or later)


Dark Clan CrusherCudgelDark Clan CrusherCudgel
Dark Clan Crusher
One-Hand Damage: 17 To 61 (39 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: 26 To 92 (59 Avg)
Durability: 24
Ethereal Durability: 13
Required Strength: 25
Required Strength (Eth): 15
Required Level: 34
Quality Level: 42
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+2 To Druid Skill Levels
+195% Enhanced Damage
20-25% Bonus to Attack Rating (varies)
+200% Damage to Demons
+200 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+15 To Life After Each Demon Kill
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Nord's TenderizerTruncheonNord's TenderizerTruncheon
Nord's Tenderizer
One-Hand Damage: (129-150) To (159-184) (144 - 167 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (194-225) To (238-277) (216 - 251 Avg)
Durability: 55
Ethereal Durability: 29
Required Dexterty: 43
Required Dexterty (Eth): 33
Required Strength: 88
Required Strength (Eth): 78
Required Level: 67
Quality Level: 76
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
25% Increased Attack Speed
+270-330% Enhanced Damage (varies)
150-180% Bonus to Attack Rating (varies)
Adds 205-455 Cold Damage
Freezes Target (varies)
+5-15 Cold Absorb (varies)
Level 16 Blizzard (12/12)
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.10 or later)


StoutnailSpiked ClubStoutnailSpiked Club
Spiked Club
One-Hand Damage: 10 To 16 (13 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: 15 To 24 (19.5 Avg)
Durability: 36
Ethereal Durability: 19
Required Strength: None
Required Strength (Eth): None
Required Level: 5
Quality Level: 7
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 2
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+100% Enhanced Damage
+7 To Vitality
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
Attacker Takes Damage of 3-10 (varies)
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


FleshrenderBarbed ClubFleshrenderBarbed Club
Barbed Club
One-Hand Damage: (64-74) To (107-125) (85.5 - 99.5 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (79-93) To (136-162) (107.5 - 127.5 Avg)
Durability: 56
Ethereal Durability: 29
Required Strength: 30
Required Strength (Eth): 20
Required Level: 38
Quality Level: 46
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 2
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+2 To Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
+1 To Druid Skill Levels
+130-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 35-50 Damage
+20% Chance of Crushing Blow
+20% Deadly Strike
+25% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Demon LimbTyrant ClubDemon LimbTyrant Club
Demon Limb
Tyrant Club
One-Hand Damage: (89-105) To (162-191) (125.5 - 148 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (134-158) To (243-287) (188.5 - 222.5 Avg)
Durability: 65
Ethereal Durability: 34
Required Strength: 133
Required Strength (Eth): 123
Required Level: 63
Quality Level: 71
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 2
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+180-230% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+123% Damage to Demons
Adds 222-333 Fire Damage
7-13% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Fire Resist +15-20% (varies)
Level 23 Enchant (20/20)
Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.10 or later)


One-Hand Damage: 4 To (15-16) (9.5 - 10 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (6-7) To (22-24) (14 - 15.5 Avg)
Durability: 60
Ethereal Durability: 31
Required Strength: 27
Required Strength (Eth): 17
Required Level: 9
Quality Level: 12
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+50-60% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+33% Chance of Crushing Blow
+15 To Strength
Fire Resist +50%
2 To Light Radius
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Sureshrill FrostFlanged MaceSureshrill FrostFlanged Mace
Sureshrill Frost
Flanged Mace
One-Hand Damage: (42-47) To (67-74) (54.5 - 60.5 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (61-68) To (96-106) (78.5 - 87 Avg)
Durability: 80
Ethereal Durability: 41
Required Strength: 61
Required Strength (Eth): 51
Required Level: 39
Quality Level: 47
Weapon Speed: [0]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+150-180% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 5-10 Damage
Adds 63-112 Cold Damage
Freezes Target
Cannot Be Frozen
Level 9 Frozen Orb (50/50)
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Reinforced Mace
Reinforced Mace
There is no unique version of this item
BloodriseMorning StarBloodriseMorning Star
Morning Star
One-Hand Damage: 15 To 35 (25 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: 23 To 52 (37.5 Avg)
Durability: 72
Ethereal Durability: 37
Required Strength: 36
Required Strength (Eth): 26
Required Level: 15
Quality Level: 20
Weapon Speed: [10]
Melee range: 2
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
10% Increased Attack Speed
+120% Enhanced Damage
50% Bonus to Attack Rating
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+25% Chance of Open Wounds
+3 To Sacrifice (Paladin Only)
2 To Light Radius
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


MoonfallJagged StarMoonfallJagged Star
Jagged Star
One-Hand Damage: (54-60) To (83-92) (68.5 - 76 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (76-85) To (117-131) (96.5 - 108 Avg)
Durability: 72
Ethereal Durability: 37
Required Strength: 74
Required Strength (Eth): 64
Required Level: 42
Quality Level: 50
Weapon Speed: [10]
Melee range: 2
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
5% Chance To Cast Level 6 Meteor On Striking
+120-150% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 10-15 Damage
Adds 55-115 Fire Damage
Magic Damage Reduced by 9-12 (varies)
2 To Light Radius
Level 11 Meteor (60/60)
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Baranar's StarDevil StarBaranar's StarDevil Star
Baranar's Star
Devil Star
One-Hand Damage: 129 To 159 (144 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: 193 To 238 (215.5 Avg)
Durability: 172
Ethereal Durability: 87
Required Dexterty: 44
Required Dexterty (Eth): 34
Required Strength: 153
Required Strength (Eth): 143
Required Level: 65
Quality Level: 70
Weapon Speed: [10]
Melee range: 2
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
50% Increased Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
200% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage
+15 To Strength
+15 To Dexterity
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


The General's Tan Do Li GaFlailThe General's Tan Do Li GaFlail
The General's Tan Do Li Ga
One-Hand Damage: 2 To (56-58) (29 - 30 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: 3 To (74-77) (38.5 - 40 Avg)
Durability: 30
Ethereal Durability: 16
Required Dexterty: 35
Required Dexterty (Eth): 25
Required Strength: 41
Required Strength (Eth): 31
Required Level: 21
Quality Level: 28
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 3
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
20% Increased Attack Speed
+50-60% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 1-20 Damage
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Slows Target by 50%
+25 Defense
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Baezil's VortexKnoutBaezil's VortexKnout
Baezil's Vortex
One-Hand Damage: (33-39) To (91-105) (62 - 72 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (50-58) To (136-157) (93 - 107.5 Avg)
Durability: 30
Ethereal Durability: 16
Required Dexterty: 73
Required Dexterty (Eth): 63
Required Strength: 82
Required Strength (Eth): 72
Required Level: 45
Quality Level: 53
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 3
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
5% Chance To Cast Level 8 Nova On Striking
20% Increased Attack Speed
+160-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 1-150 Lightning Damage
Lightning Resist +25%
+100 To Mana
Level 15 Nova (80/80)
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Horizon's TornadoScourgeHorizon's TornadoScourge
Horizon's Tornado
One-Hand Damage: (9-11) To (264-304) (136.5 - 157.5 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (14-17) To (396-456) (205 - 236.5 Avg)
Durability: 65
Ethereal Durability: 34
Required Dexterty: 100
Required Dexterty (Eth): 90
Required Strength: 100
Required Strength (Eth): 90
Required Level: 64
Quality Level: 72
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 3
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Tornado On Striking
50% Increased Attack Speed
+230-280% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Slows Target by 20%
Requirements -20%
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.10 or later)


One-Hand Damage: (10-12) To (272-320) (141 - 166 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (15-18) To (408-480) (211.5 - 249 Avg)
Durability: 65
Ethereal Durability: 34
Required Dexterty: 77
Required Dexterty (Eth): 67
Required Strength: 125
Required Strength (Eth): 115
Required Level: 82
Quality Level: 86
Weapon Speed: [-10]
Melee range: 3
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
20% Chance To Cast Level 18 Tornado On Striking
15% Chance To Cast Level 10 Static Field On Striking
30% Increased Attack Speed
+240-300% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 1-473 Lightning Damage
+33% Chance of Crushing Blow
+3-9 Lightning Absorb (varies)
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 30
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.10 or later)



(Mace special sub-class)

IronstoneWar HammerIronstoneWar Hammer
War Hammer
One-Hand Damage: (38-47) To (58-72) (48 - 59.5 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (57-71) To (87-108) (72 - 89.5 Avg)
Durability: 55
Ethereal Durability: 29
Required Strength: 53
Required Strength (Eth): 43
Required Level: 27
Quality Level: 36
Weapon Speed: [20]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+100-150% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+100-150 To Attack Rating (varies)
Adds 1-10 Lightning Damage
+10 To Strength
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


EarthshakerBattle HammerEarthshakerBattle Hammer
Battle Hammer
One-Hand Damage: 98 To 162 (130 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: 147 To 243 (195 Avg)
Durability: 105
Ethereal Durability: 54
Required Strength: 100
Required Strength (Eth): 90
Required Level: 43
Quality Level: 51
Weapon Speed: [20]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
5% Chance To Cast Level 7 Fissure On Striking
+3 To Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
30% Increased Attack Speed
+180% Enhanced Damage
Hit Blinds Target
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


Stone CrusherLegendary MalletStone CrusherLegendary Mallet
Stone Crusher
Legendary Mallet
One-Hand Damage: (190-210) To (231-256) (210.5 - 233 Avg)
One-Hand-Damage Eth: (285-315) To (347-384) (316 - 349.5 Avg)
Durability: 65
Ethereal Durability: 34
Required Strength: 189
Required Strength (Eth): 179
Required Level: 68
Quality Level: 76
Weapon Speed: [20]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
+280-320% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Damage + 10-30 (varies)
-25% Target Defense
+40% Chance of Crushing Blow
-100 To Monster Defense Per Hit
+20-30 To Strength (varies)
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.10 or later)


Schaefer's HammerLegendary Mallet
Schaefer's Hammer
Legendary Mallet
One-Hand Damage: (100-114) To (124-338) (112 - 226 Avg)
Durability: Indestructible
Required Strength: 189
Required Level: 79
Quality Level: 83
Weapon Speed: [20]
Melee range: 1
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
Magic Properties:
20% Chance To Cast Level 10 Static Field On Striking
20% Increased Attack Speed
+100-130% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+198 To Maximum Damage (Based On Character Level)
+792 To Attack Rating (Based On Character Level)
Adds 50-200 Lightning Damage
Lightning Resist +75%
+50 To Life
1 To Light Radius
+50% Damage to Undead
(Patch 1.09 or later)


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