Page last updated: 25 August 2021 11:50

Normal Sets Exceptional and Elite Sets
Angelic Raiment Aldur's Watchtower
Arcanna's Tricks Bul-Kathos' Children
Arctic Gear Cow King's Leathers
Berserker's Arsenal The Disciple
Cathan's Trap Griswold's Legacy
Civerb's Vestments Heaven's Brethren
Cleglaw's Brace Hwanin's Majesty
Death's Disguise Immortal King
Hsarus' Defense M'avina's Battle Hymn
Infernal Tools Natalya's Odium
Iratha's Finery Naj's Ancient Vestige
Isenhart's Armory Orphan's Call
Milabrega's Regalia Sander's Folly
Sigon's Complete Steel Sazabi's Grand Tribute
Tancred's Battlegear Tal Rasha's Wrappings
Vidala's Rig Trang-Oul's Avatar

Trang Oul's Avatar is an exceptional/elite Necromancer set of 5 pieces. It is very common to see a full set wearers as the set doesn't include a weapon, therefore not forcing you to wear one that's not good for you. The hard parts of the set are the helm and the cantor trophy but they are not extremely rare by any means.

  Trang Oul's Avatar  
  Trang Oul's Guise
Trang-Oul's Guise
Bone Visage
Defense: 180-257 (varies)(Base Defense: 100-157)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 106
Durability: 40
25% Faster Hit Recovery
Replenish Life +5
+80-100 Defense
+150 To Mana
Attacker Takes Damage of 20
  Trang Oul's Scales
Trang-Oul's Scales
Chaos Armor
Defense: 857 (Base Defense: 315-343)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 84
Durability: 70
+150% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -40%
40% Faster Run/Walk
Poison Resist +40%
+100 Defense vs. Missile
+2 To Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)
Lightning Resist +50% (3 Items)
Damage Reduced By 25% (Complete Set)
  Trang Oul's Wing
Trang-Oul's Wing
Cantor Trophy
Defense: 175-189 (varies)(Base Defense: 50-64)
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 20
Chance to Block: 60%
(Necromancer Only)
+125 Defense
+30% Increased Chance Of Blocking
Poison Resist +40%
Fire Resist +38-45% (varies)
+15 To Dexterity
+25 To Strength
+2 To Poison And Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
-25% To Enemy Poison Resistance (3 Items)
Replenish Life +15 (4 Items)
  Trang Oul's Girth
Trang-Oul's Girth
Troll Belt
Defense: 134-166 (varies)(Base Defense: 59-66)
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 91
Durability: 18
16 boxes
+75-100 Defense (varies)
Requirements -40%
Cannot Be Frozen
Replenish Life +5
+25-50 To Mana (varies)
+30 Maximum Stamina
+66 To Life
Cold Resist +40% (3 Items)
  Trang Oul's Claws
Trang-Oul's Claws
Heavy Bracers
Defense: 67-74 (varies)(Base Defense: 37-44)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 16
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Cold Resist +30%
+30 Defense
+25% Poison Skill Damage
+2 To Curses (Necromancer Only)
  Set Bonus Partial Set Bonus
+18 To Fire Ball (2 Items)
Regenerate Mana 15% (2 Items)
+13 To Fire Wall (3 Items)
Additional Regenerate Mana 15% (3 Items)
Additional Regenerate Mana 15% (4 Items)
+10 To Meteor (4 Items)

Complete Set Bonus
+3 To Necromancer Skill Levels
20% Life Stolen Per Hit
+3 To Fire Mastery
+10 To Meteor
+13 To Fire Wall
+18 To Fire Ball
+200 Defense
+100 To Mana
Regenerate Mana 60%
Replenish Life +5
All Resistances +50
Transforms into Vampire
Trag'Oul Vampire
This is how you will look

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